Shaera Hayes


I am a visual artist based in Texas who utilizes painting as a medium to explore the interplay between structure and chaos in the context of emotions. My artistic journey is deeply rooted in the exploration of the equilibrium between positive and negative emotions, often symbolized by the yin-yang. I hold a Bachelor of Fine Arts from UC Davis and an Associates in 3-D Art from Solano Community College.
I predominantly focus on figurative portraits, employing acrylic paints, intentional mark-making, and drips to find a balance between structured and chaotic elements. My works aim to harmoniously juxtapose light and dark, color and form, reflecting the complexity of human emotions and their dynamic coexistence.
Through my art, I seek to capture raw emotion and mood, enabling me to express the complexities of life and how different emotions can dynamically coexist. Influenced heavily by the world around me, I take inspiration from the emotions of the every day - the happiness, the sadness, and the feeling of being in the present. I believe a viewer should feel something, happiness or sadness, when looking at my artwork.